We have a strong knowledge capital. Our design team consists of experts who have created

numerous new products.

We take inspiration from designs that are in vogue with the well-heeled. Our value-proposition is unmatched, while our product development costs are capped.

We are material agnostic. Our team works with every possible fabric to ensure that they offer products within the price range that our target audience can afford.

We realise that inventory management is the critical lifeline for every retail enterprise. Cognizant of this reality, we have leveraged our decades of experience in the textile sector to craft and customise inventory policies which are suited to our business model and which have stood the test of time.

•  For new products, we manufacture limited numbers to test the market.

•  For commercial volumes, we increase volumes in a phased manner to gauge the market well. It provides invaluable insights into customer behaviour and preferences which are incorporated as feasible.

•  On reaching optimum numbers, we manufacture only to replenish the numbers booked.

•  As business volumes increased and our product basket widened, we have created an in-house inventory management module which gives us the true picture of our inventory position.

•  It is simple and customised to our policies and operations.

•  It works on a real-time basis; it highlights the fast moving and slow-moving stock for appropriate intervention.